
AllAnomaly DetectionBYODCyber SecurityDDoSInternet of ThingsIoTNetFlowNetwork ForensicsNetwork IntelligenceNetwork MonitoringNetwork SecurityPerformance AnalyticsPredictive AI BaseliningPredictive AnalyticsTraffic AccountingBig DataRansomwareThreat DetectionThreat IntelligenceData Retention ComplianceToRNetwork Usage BillingPeering AnalyticsCyberwarDeep Packet Inspection (DPI)EncryptionUncategorized

3 Ways Anomaly Detection Enhances Network Monitoring

With the increasing abstraction of IT services beyond the traditional server room computing environments have evolved to be more efficient and also far more complex. Virtualization, mobile device technology, hosted infrastructure, Internet ubiquity and a host of other technologies are...

5 Ways Flow Based Network Monitoring Solutions Need to Scale

Partial Truth Only Results in Assumptions A common gripe for Network Engineers is that their current network monitoring solution doesn’t provide the depth of information needed to quickly ascertain the true cause of a network issue. Imagine reading a book...

5 Benefits of NetFlow Performance Monitoring

In today’s global marketplace there has never been more pressure on organizations to reduce costs in order to be competitive. No longer can an organization afford to ignore the ever-escalating costs associated with increasing complexity and the lack of visibility...

Balancing Granularity Against Network Security Forensics

With the pace at which the social, mobile, analytics and cloud (SMAC) stack is evolving, IT departments must quickly adopt their security monitoring and prevention strategies to match the ever-changing networking landscape. By the same token, network monitoring solutions (NMS)...

What is NetFlow & How Can Organizations Leverage It?

NetFlow is a feature originally introduced on Cisco devices (but now generally available on many vendor devices) which provides the ability for an organization to monitor and collect IP network traffic entering or exiting an interface. Through analysis of the data provided...

Two Ways Networks Are Transformed By NetFlow

According an article in “Your routers and switches can yield a mother lode of information about your network–if you know where to dig.”  The article goes on to say that excavating and searching through endless traffic data and logs manufactured by...

NetFlow for Usage-Based Billing and Peering Analysis

Usage–based billing refers to the methods of calculating and passing back the costs of running a network to the consumers of data that occur through the network. Both Internet Service Providers (ISP) and Corporations have a need for Usage-based billing...

How to Achieve Security and Data Retention Compliance Obligations with Predictive AI Cyber Flow Analytics

Information retention, protection and data compliance demands are an important concern for modern organizations. And with data being generated at staggering rates and new entry points to networks (mobile devices, wireless network, etc.) adding their own levels of complexity, adherence...

Seven Reasons To Analyze Network Traffic With NetFlow

NetFlow allows you to keep an eye on traffic and transactions that occur on your network. NetFlow can detect unusual traffic, a request for a malicious destination or a download of a larger file. NetFlow analysis helps you see what users...

Big Data – A Global Approach To Local Threat Detection

From helping prevent loss of life in the event of a natural disaster, to aiding marketing teams in designing more targeted strategies to reach new customers, big data seems to be the chief talking point amongst a broad and diverse...

How to counter-punch botnets, viruses, ToR & more with Netflow [Pt 1]

You can’t secure what you can’t see and you don’t know what you don’t know. Many network and security professionals assume that they can simply analyze data captured using their standard security devices like firewalls and intrusion detection systems, however...

Identifying ToR threats without De-Anonymizing

Part 3 in our series on How to counter-punch botnets, viruses, ToR and more with Netflow focuses on ToR threats to the enterprise. ToR (aka Onion routing) and anonymized p2p relay services such as Freenet is where we can expect to see...

How NetFlow Solves for Mandatory Data Retention Compliance

Compliance in IT is not new and laws regulating how organizations should manage their customer data exist such as: HIPPA, PCI, SCADA and Network transaction logging has begun to be required of business. Insurance companies are gearing up to qualify...

Benefits of a NetFlow Performance Deployment in Complex Environments

Since no two environments are identical and no network remains stagnant in Network Monitoring today, the only thing we can expect is the unexpected! The network has become a living dynamic and complex environment that requires a flexible approach to...

NetFlow for Advanced Threat Detection

Businesses spend a lot of effort and expense setting up their networks to provide all the data flows and applications necessary so that their employees are very productive in performing their tasks. These networks are vital assets to the business...

Why NetFlow is Perfect for Forensics and Compliance

 As flow-data is rich in metadata and continues to be extended with more contexts, NetFlow Forensics offers the perfect method of how you can deal with a large aspect of network security. Netflow forensic investigations can produce the report evidence...

Turbocharged Ransomware Detection using NetFlow

Your network has already, or soon will, be infiltrated To win the war on cyber extortion, you must first have visibility into your network and it is imperative to have the intelligent context to be able to find threats inside...

Microsoft Nobelium Hack

Solarwinds Hackers Strike Again Another painful round of cyber-attacks carried out by what Microsoft discovered to be a Russian state-sponsored hacking group called Nobelium, this time attacking Microsoft support agent’s computer, exposing customer’s subscription information.  The activity tracked by Microsoft...

Integrated Cyber Network Intelligence: Your Network has been infiltrated. How do you know where and what else is impacted?

Why would you need Granular Network Intelligence? “Advanced targeted attacks are set to render prevention-centric security strategies obsolete and that information must become the focal point for our information security strategies.” (Gartner) In this webinar we take a look at...

The Strategic Value of Advanced Netflow for Enterprise Network Security

 Networks today are exponentially faster, bigger and more complex than those of just a few years ago. With thousands of devices going online for the first time each minute, and the data influx continuing unabated, it’s fair to say that...

How to Use a Network Behavior Analysis Tool to Your Advantage

How to Use a Network Behavior Analysis Tool to Your Advantage Cybersecurity threats can come in many forms. They can easily slip through your network’s defenses if you let your guard down, even for a second. Protect your business by...

Advanced Predictive AI leveraging Granular Flow-Based Network Analytics.

IT’S WHAT YOU DON’T SEE THAT POSES THE BIGGEST THREATS AND INVISIBLE DANGERS. Existing network management and network security point solutions are facing a major challenge due to the increasing complexity of the IT infrastructure. The main issue is a...

Benefits of Network Security Forensics

The networks that your business operates on are often open and complex. Your IT department is responsible for mitigating network risks, managing performance and auditing data to ensure functionality. Using NetFlow forensics can help your IT team maintain the competitiveness and reliability of the systems...

Scalable NetFlow – 3 Key Questions to Ask Your NetFlow Vendor

Why is flows per second a flawed way to measure a netflow collector’s capability? Flows-per-second is often considered the primary yardstick to measure the capability of a netflow analyzer’s flow capture (aka collection) rate. This seems simple on its face....

5 Perks of Network Performance Management

Network performance management is something that virtually every business needs, but not something that every business is actively doing, or even aware of.  And why should they? While understanding the technical side of things is best left to the IT department,...

Deploying NetFlow as a Countermeasure to Threats like CNB

Few would debate legendary martial artist Chuck Norris’ ability to take out any opponent with a quick combination of lightning-fast punches and kicks. Norris, after all, is legendary for his showdowns with the best of fighters and being the last...

The Internet of Things (IoT) – pushing network monitoring to its limits

In the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), billions of connected devices – estimated at 20 billion by the year 2020 – are set to permeate virtually every aspect of daily life and industry. Sensors that track human movement...

How Traffic Accounting Keeps You One Step Ahead Of The Competition

IT has steadily evolved from a service and operational delivery mechanism to a strategic business investment. Suffice it to say that the business world and technology have become so intertwined that it’s unsurprising many leading companies within their respective industries...

Cyberwar Defense using Predictive AI Baselining

The world is bracing for a worldwide cyberwar as a result of the current political events. Cyberattacks can be carried out by governments and hackers in an effort to destabilize economies and undermine democracy. Rather than launching cyberattacks, state-funded cyber...

End Point Threat Detection Using NetFlow Analytics

Hi, good afternoon everyone. I’m from CySight. Our webinar today is on some of the finer security aspects of our product, specifically Anomaly Detection and End Point Threat Detection. End Point Threat Detection being one of the newer pieces that...

How to counter-punch botnets, viruses, ToR and more with Netflow (Pt. 2)

Data Retention Compliance End-Point Profiling Hosts that communicate with more than one known threat type should be designated a high risk and repeated threat breaches with that hosts or dependent hosts can be marked as repeat offenders and provide an...

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) becomes Obsolete as Encryption hits Critical Mass

Increasing cyber-crimes, virtualization, regulatory obligations, and a severe shortage of cyber and network security personnel are impacting organizations. Encryption, IT complexity, surface scraping and siloed information hinder security and network visibility. Encryption has become the new normal, driven by privacy...

Hunt SUNBURST and Trojans with Turbocharged Netflow.

US: December 13 of 2020 was an eye-opener worldwide as Solarwinds software Orion, was hacked using a trojanized update known as SUNBURST backdoor vulnerability. The damage reached thousands of customers, many of which are world leaders in their markets like...

How to Improve Cyber Security with Advanced Netflow Network Forensics

Most organizations today deploy network security tools that are built to perform limited prevention – traditionally “blocking and tackling” at the edge of a network using a firewall or by installing security software on every system. This is only one...

3 Key Differences Between NetFlow and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) Packet Capture Monitoring

The increasing density, complexity and expanse of modern networking environments have fueled the ongoing debate around which network analysis and monitoring tools serve the needs of the modern engineer best – placing Packet Capture and NetFlow Analysis at center-stage of...

Ineffective Threat Detection! The 1% Myth Exposed

Are you tired of hearing network and cloud analysis vendors claim that they can accurately identify 100% of your threats just by analyzing just a few percent of your network traffic? Let’s be clear – this is a complete myth!...